Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healthcare Reform

There have been just so many column inches, blogs and tweets committed to commenting on healthcare reform, but something I find missing in almost all is a sense of how all the parts that make up our healthcare system is an awareness that these parts do interact; they are not independent of each other.

The link for this posting is to an editorial in the local paper, the Valley News, that was attempting to summarize a series of interviews done by a local reporter, John Woodrow Cox. In an all too typical fashion, the editorial made no attempt to synthesize the six viewpoints presented by the six individuals who were interviewed. Cox himself said that the only constant between and among the stories was a lack of consistency. Well, you might just as well throw your hands up and say, "I give up! It's too hard and no one will ever agree!" This is unfortunately all too typical of the reporting we are seeing everywhere. Is it really that hard to get someone from The Dartmouth Institute who might be able to shed some light on this?